Saturday, October 23, 2010

New Video from BDSRA

Please take a few minutes to watch this new video from the Batten Disease Support and Research Association (BDSRA), filmed at the organization's annual conference in Chicago in August 2010. It's a wonderful collection of perspectives from families and other individuals deeply affected by Batten disease. I'm featured on the video starting around the 4:30 minute mark. Thank you so much to our friends at BDSRA for creating this great tool in the fight against Batten disease and for allowing me to tell my story. Remember, you can help us fight this tragic disease by spreading the word and also by making a donation at Thank you for your support!

The Batten Journey from On Scene Digital Printing on Vimeo.


  1. Thanks for your wonderful thoughts and perspective. This entire community of families is very inspiring.

  2. Thanks Laura for continuing the fight and spreading the word. I loved your piece in the video. We will soon have all the videos available on our website for media, families, etc. In the meantime if you need anything, please feel free to call. Tell your mom I said hello.

